my first black and white sprite

my first black and white sprite
Hey guys this is my first balck and sprite its a combination of this pokemon called zorua and shinx

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Hey guys well tommorow is the day os the spriting contest finally and me and bob smith are going to be the judges hurry up and send me those sprites because if you dont by friday than you wont be in the contest


  1. Aaron micheals sprite is fused with arbok not seviper

  2. Its not on this blog or mine so where did you see it?

  3. Oh ya....preonda if you like sprites I got a blog with a lot of awesome stuff :D

  4. oh i thought it was seviper im stupid btw preonda do you like it and michael I posted your picture cause its time for the contest

  5. Okay and its okay about the Seviper thing I've been doing Pokemon sence I was 4 that's 9 years and by now I got all of them memerized along with abilities and moves and all that stuff it just takes time to learn it all

    unless,it was just a mistake and if thats the case I just wrote a bunch of useless info

  6. it was a mistake haha and i like your pic

  7. hey guys i just sent my entry to u aaron so post it its scizor and deoxus

  8. Please someone follow me I feel so pathetic having all these cool sprites on display and no one looking at them (besides you Aaron)

  9. ill follow you what you're blog name?

  10. im sorry michael but its really hard for me to get followers to my blog and your but I'll try

  11. Oh and cool sprite Groudonkilla but, try to make the colors blend better. Do you know how to use the eraser for coloring

  12. oh just click on the persons name

  13. bye sorry i left last night my cu was freaking out

  14. WOW. I dont have paint on my computer. My dad deleted it, :( Ill get it in though! By the way I really like your fusion michael

  15. hey preonda and groudon your entry was ok it wasn't the best

  16. yeah i kno i need to work on my spriting
