my first black and white sprite

my first black and white sprite
Hey guys this is my first balck and sprite its a combination of this pokemon called zorua and shinx

Monday, September 13, 2010


this is the message where everyone comment should be a request for me so comment away


  1. k ill get on it as soon as possible

  2. I am a good judge, so you shouldve made the color brighter and threw some yellow in there. Good job though!

  3. yeah i thought yellow would have not made it the dark angel thing i was trying to get

  4. It's pretty nice but, as you've probally noticed with Pokemon Sprites from P2K when you get rid of the blaund it you sometimes see that it messed up the details. So, if that happens instead of pressing copy press copy to and just save it to yo and just delete it after you've pasted it on paint, and if you want to know about coloring with the eraser just look at our last Face Book conversation and it should still be on there since you sgned off before me, but I'll have to be online too.

  5. u were online before but i dint see the message
