my first black and white sprite

my first black and white sprite
Hey guys this is my first balck and sprite its a combination of this pokemon called zorua and shinx

Monday, September 6, 2010

spriting contest

we are about to have 8 members so we will probably have the contest today so get your sprites ready for the contest


  1. Cool what time will it be, I gotta go in 3 hours,our time zones are different. So, how does this work do you just look at our blogs and decide or do we some how put them on yours.

    P.S-Thanks for doing my sprite it rocks

    P.S.S-I did your sprite, I wish I hadn't put the claws on, but can't change it now

  2. haha thx btw you email me your sprite and i post it up on my blog and the judges figure out whose is best

  3. i decided we aren't gonna have the contest today because the 8th person didn't join

  4. Well, I'll still send you mine so you can have it ready.

  5. ok we will probably have the contest tomorow
