my first black and white sprite

my first black and white sprite
Hey guys this is my first balck and sprite its a combination of this pokemon called zorua and shinx

Saturday, September 18, 2010


hey guys the judging for the round 2 of the contest has started so check out the comments to find out what you get


  1. ummm....there's no comments :D
    I WIN!!! jk

  2. dude thats because i was out all day yesterday and i dint have time to do it soit will probably be today

  3. i give justins sprite a 7 out of 10 because it looks really wierd pink and the pinsir horns weren't a good choice

  4. Hey...can I co-judge cause no one else is commenting

  5. All right I give bradidni contest entry a 9 of 10 because I think it's very creative and it blends well.

    I give Justins sprite a 7 of 10 because the whole basic idea is good like the fusing it self but the color and detail are off.

    And for Groudonkillas entry it is great in being very subtle in the changes. You would think it's the same Pokemon so you chose good body types but you need to work on detail like erasing the extra marks, Making sure one part fits with anothe corectly, so sometimes you need to redraw it a little and that goes to every one on detail, but its still good and I really like it so I give an 8 of 10.

  6. i give braydinis sprite a 8 out of 10 because it was very creative but a little off on combining

    I give groudon killas entry a 9 out of 10 because he needs to erase extra parts other than that its very good.

    I give Michaels entry a 10 out of 10 becuase he did perfect on everything and there is nothing wrong with it

  7. btw michael you forgot to graded my sprite

  8. i meant grade also luke will be judging my sprite and yours

  9. hey thanks for my grade its not the best but its cool also i sent u my sprite with swuirtle and charmander its cool

  10. yeah i gto it and i also posted it

  11. hey is it to late to enter my sprite cause i just emailed it to u

  12. Alright Aaron I give you a 9.5 because everything is incredible but I dont think its possible to give a 10 because not even professionals can be perfect but very awesome :D
