my first black and white sprite

my first black and white sprite
Hey guys this is my first balck and sprite its a combination of this pokemon called zorua and shinx

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

sending sprites

hey guys you no longer have to email your sprites you can just post theme here. I decided to do that because some people were having trouble emailing me. for more information how just email me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. nevermind just forget that this topic was ever created it doesnt work

  3. You should go back to your old layout this I dont like its confusing

  4. Not for me also I'm going to post my first ever black and white sprite

  5. What do you mean black and white sprite its colored

  6. I just figured out something really can copy a pic someone posts if someone comes on onto one of our blogs they could steal everything

  7. i know but i meant a pokemon from black and white

  8. Oh...theres only a few pics of those out but there will be a ton once it comes out in japan in i think either october or late september and also I won't be able to send you my sprite for the contest because I deleted it so you can get it from my blog which means you can put any ones I put up on mine on yours as long as you give me credit

  9. Oh sorry I see that you put my sprite up looks awful compared to everyone else. Oh and Groudonkilla that is truely awesome.

  10. Sorry I'm taking up so much room but I tried copy those 5th gen pokemon to paint and there smaller than 32 by 32 so there way to small for paint. I really hope they didn't enhance the quality of 5th gen because if they did it will be impossible to sprite, like the time I tried to sprite teen titans
